Guidelines for opening up the Schools🏫

 Guidlines for opening up the schools. 

 There are many questions in the mind of students and parents when the schools are going to open. 

  First question comes in everybody's mind that after starting the school if the incidence like COVID 19 occur school  then who will take responsibility of it? 

The school are providing one form to parents in that it is written that. If any incidce occurred in school then school will not be blame. The responsibility will be of parents. And they are sending there children's in school by there own permission. 

     Now only of standard 9th to 12 school and colleges are started. 

  From 23rd November the respective classes are allowed to come in school. 

    Only the 4 hours the school will be taken.

 In that 4 hours only 4periods will be taken.Schools will be carried on aalternate days. The government rules will be followed by all of them and school. For example social distance,  compulsary mask, using of hand sanitizer, etc. 

There will be some responsibilities of school that are sanitize the classrooms before students come in class and after going from class, measuring temperature, and breathing, pulses. 

   From January may be the schools will start the standard 5 to 8 to come in school. 

   May be from January the schools of standard 5 to 8 schools Will start. The same rules will be followed from them. 

      State Education Minister Varsha Gaikwad said that in-person classes   will   be held on alternate days, keeping in mind the risk of coronavirus infection.   She added that science, mathematics and English will be taught in classrooms, while online classes will be held for other subjects. 

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